Indicator 12 Transition Part C - Part B

Indicator 12

  • About Indicator 12 - Indicator 12: Transition from Part C to Part B is a compliance measure that focuses on the percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by the beginning of the school year if they turn age two by Sept. 30 of that school year or by their third birthday.
  • Training - This page provides professionals information on reporting requirements for Indicator 12, Transition from Part C to Part B.
  • Instructions - This page provides useful resources and instructions to complete data collection for Indicator 12, Transition from Part C to Part B.
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Description: From the Virginia Department of Education, this webpage is dedicated to the transition from Early Intervention (Part C) to Early Childhood Special Education (Part B): Smooth transitions from Early Intervention to Early Childhood Special Education are important. Families, children, sending and receiving programs all need to share information and support each other. Transition activities need to be timely to assure access to appropriate services for the child. The transition should also be smooth...
Description: This document provides technical assistance related to the transition from Part C to Part B and includes essential regulations as well as information regarding reporting Indicator 12. The flowchart provides an overivew of the transition from Part C to Part B.
Description: Smooth transitions from Early Intervention (Part C) to Early Childhood Special Education (Part B) are very important for children and families and require collaboration between sending and receiving programs. The VDOE updated the Transition from Early Intervention to Early Childhood Special Education Q&A Document (August 2023) with the most recent guidance for programs supporting transitioning students. 
Description: This document from the Virgina Department of Education provides a list of negotiable and nonnegotiable components (regulated versus local determination) related to the transition from Part C to Part B.
Description: This webinar is designed to facilitate a work session between Part C and Part B for the purpose of 1) enhancing a collaborative working relationship, 2) implementing strategies and processes to support a successful transition for families and children, and 3) updating and maintaining local interagency agreements. The webinar is intended to be viewed jointly with participants from the Part C and Part B systems. A presentation guide accompanies the webinar to guide discussion, document responses,...
Description: The instructions for Indicator 12 are linked on the VDOE site below.