
  • Evidence-Based Practices - The resources provided here are supported by research and evidence. Topics include assessment, child development, curriculum & instruction, family involvement, inclusion, and transition.
  • State/Federal Organizations - This page provides national and state level initiatives and organizations relevant to early childhood special education.
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Description: The VDOE Department of Special Populations and Board Operations has released its updated Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans: Guidelines for Effective Development and Implementation. This document has been updated based on guidance from the U. S. Department of Education. These guidelines also replace the 2015 version and aim to assist Virginia school divisions in implementing effective functional behavior assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP) processes...
Description: Looking for information about inclusion of children with disabilities in our schools and communities? CPIR is very pleased to offer you the School Inclusion resource page, which will connect you with the great work and materials of the disability network nationwide and internationally.
Description: Participate in the Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Supports in the General Education Classroom online module. This module, developed in collaboration with the TIES Center, describes the benefits of including students with significant cognitive disabilities in general education classrooms. It also offers information on how teachers can plan for and teach these students (est. completion time: 2 hours). Earn the Professional Development Certificate for this...
Description: Every child grows and learns at their own pace, but developmental milestones provide a helpful guide to what most children (75%) can do by a certain age. As a parent or caregiver, you know your child best! If you have concerns about their development, talking to your child’s doctor about a developmental screening is a great first step.PEATC has created two valuable resource documents to help families understand and track early childhood development: Your Child's Development Milestones:...
Description: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (DEA) provides for a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for eligible students with disabilities. Special education and related services are provided under an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that is based on each student’s unique needs. Some students with disabilities may require services beyond the normal school year, during the summer or other school breaks in order to receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). These...
Description: Virginia’s Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS), Birth-5 Learning Guidelines articulate the skills and knowledge children need to demonstrate by the end of preschool in order to be successful in kindergarten. The standards are intended to help early childhood educators understand the basics of child development, implement effective classroom activities, and engage in high-quality teacher child interactions as measured by Virginia’s quality measurement and improvement...
Description: Help families discover learning in everyday moments and share the The VCU-ACE From Breakfast to Bedtime video series. These videos reveal how children learn through daily routines. From waking up to bedtime, families will learn how to unlock hidden teaching opportunities during diapering, meals, dressing, and more. These short, 6-10 minute videos help transform ordinary moments into extraordinary learning experiences!
Description: Using Functional Behavioral Assessments to Create Supportive Learning Environments - What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)? What are the Common Characteristics of an FBA and Behavioral Support or Intervention Plans (BSP/BIPs)? How Can an FBA Be Used to Inform Instructional Strategies? What Guiding Principles Support the Effective Development and Implementation of FBAs and BSP/BIPs? How Can FBA's Support Students with Disabilities? And more...
Description: The Early Childhood toolkit includes learning boosts on communication and social skills topics in less than ten minutes. The Toolkit: Requesting Help The Toolkit: Negation The Toolkit: Making a Choice
Description: Conducting Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team Meetings When Members Disagree - Parent participation and teamwork are fundamental to special education. Parent feedback is a necessity in ensuring that a student is receiving a free appropriate public education. However, team participants do not always agree and conflict is a natural occurrence in team dynamics. Recognizing that conflict will happen, but that a healthy relationship between all members is in the best interest of the student,...
Description: Back to Basics: Special Education Law Series was developed from a partnership between the Virginia Department of Education and the Center for Implementation and Evaluation of Education Systems (CIEES) at Old Dominion University (ODU). The Back to Basics: Special Education Law series is designed to support Virginia school divisions in the professional development of teachers and division personnel on basic special education laws and regulations. The following modules and associated documents...
Description: Submit a Request for Support - VCU-RRTC-ACE provides targeted short-term coaching to educators who support students on the autism spectrum! Classroom coaching aims to equip educators with the tools and evidence-based practices necessary to effectively address the unique needs of autistic students. By implementing strategies in the coaching focus areas, educators can enhance student participation, engagement, and independence, creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. ACE...
Description: Project HOPE-Virginia, Virginia's McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program, has developed new resources for young children experiencing homelessness. HOPE invites you to visit their new website: Here are several links that will take you directly to early childhood resources: McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program: Training for Early Childhood Educators in Virginia - This video provides an overview of the homeless...
Description: This new document, created in August 2024, comprises all the resources necessary for itinerant early childhood special educatoin (IECSE) teachers and administrators to start the year off on the right foot!
Description: CEC's Learning Library has always been a one-stop shop for live and on-demand webinars, collections and virtual events, but now, it’s even easier to find the content you are looking for.   Explore the Learning Library to access content on hot topics, practical strategies for your work, or just quick refreshers that can enrich your practice and contribute to better outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities.   On-Demand Webinars Virtual Events Live Webinars PD Collections...
Description: Factsheet for Virginia’s Parents Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) in Early Childhood Programs - Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), refers to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)  requirement that “children with disabilities not be placed in special classes or separate schools unless the nature and severity of their disability is such that education in regular classes with supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.”...
Description: Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) - A Resource Document - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that students with disabilities are provided a free appropriate public education, referred to as FAPE. FAPE is also required under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In Virginia, FAPE is an important legal right for students with disabilities, ages 2 through 21, receiving services under these two laws. This document defines FAPE, explains what FAPE requires...
Description: This interactive module on Curriculum Framework aims to empower educators to confidently support children with Individualized Education Programs, taking into account their unique strengths and interests. Educators can enhance their effectiveness in the classroom by understanding the key elements of a curriculum framework and how they work in tandem to nurture children and families. This resource encourages reflection on how to implement these elements to create a supportive learning environment...
Description: Children develop at their own pace; however, most children reach developmental milestones at or about the same age. When a parent or professional has concerns about a child's development, there are often questions as to what the next steps should be. These two flyers, created by the Virginia Department of Education, are meant to direct those questions to the corresponding answer source.  One flyer is directed towards Flyer for VA Families - How to get Help When Concerned about Child...
Description: Parental Consent in Special Education: A Fact Sheet for Virginia Families - As a parent or guardian of a child with a disability, it's important to understand your rights and responsibilities regarding parental consent in the special education process. Virginia has very strong consent provisions in its Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia. For complete information, see regulatory section 8VAC20-81-170. This Fact Sheet includes; What is...
Description: Connecting the Dots - Planning Your Child's Move from Early Intervention (EI) to Preschool - PEATC's new resource document will help you "Connect the Dots" and plan your child's move from Early Intervention (EI) to Preschool (Early Childhood Special Education, or ECSE).
Description: The Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Caseload Management Form is a helpful tool intended for professionals to track the caseload of itinerant teachers, including frequency of direct instruction, frequency of collaborative meetings, and professional development provided.
Description: This Embedded Instruction Matrix Form is meant for itinerant teachers to complete for students on his/her caseload. The Itinerant teacher lists the daily schedule and imbeds the targeted skills of that particular student into the schedule to ensure the learning is naturally embedded throughout corresponding parts of the day.
Description: The "Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Administrator Start-Up Steps for the New School Year" is a checklist for administrators to prepare for the itinernant model. The checklist includes sections for: Logisitcs Direct Instruction (DI), Collaborative Meetings (CM), and Professional Development (PD) IEP and Other Special Education Meetings  
Description: The Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Planning and Documentation Form encourages itinerant teachers to document his/her visits and services provided. Itinerant teachers can document the summary of service delivery visit including the consultation/collaboration and direct instruction activities implemented, as well as notes on what worked well and what did not. Additionally, teachers can document follow-up tasks needed to complete and the plan for the next visit.
Description: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)'s page for Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs which includes a variety of resources. See below for links. Inclusion in early childhood programs is supported through years of research and reinforced by a strong legal foundation. In a joint policy statement, the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) and Education (USED) defines inclusion in early childhood programs as children with disabilities in early childhood programs,...
Description: The VCPD Inclusive Practices Task Force has published an infographic describing the right of all young chidren with and without disabilities to experience settings, relationships, and interactions that will further their development and learning.
Description: Children with IEPs, Ages 2-5 In 2015, 12,111 children In 2016, 12,515 children In 2017, 13,035 children In 2018, 13,497 children In 2019, 13,799 children In 2020 (Covid-19), 11,021 children (2020 total decreased of 2,778, 20%) In 2021, 11,535 children (2021 total decrease of 2,264 from 2019, 16%)*Prior years were increasing by 3% In 2022, 13,389 children (16% increase from 2021) In 2023, 14,494 children (8% increase from 2022)   Children with IEPs, by Age Ages 0-2: 914 children with IEPs...
Description: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) have partnered to announce the release of a joint Dear Colleague Letter encouraging state education and early childhood leaders to collaborate and leverage federal resources expanding access to preschool through a mixed delivery approach. The mixed delivery approach to preschool urges states and local communities to use resources to support...
Description: It is never too early to consider assistive technology supports and services. Providing children with supports to access play, communication, and books is essential to their early development. The following resources will assist you in exploring AT and AAC for young children. Check out these Professional Learning Possibilities on TTAC Online: Considering Assistive Technology Course: Asynchronous Virtual Virginia Course - Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS): Consideration...
Description: This customizable lesson plan template contains fields that can be used to intentionally plan for co-teaching arrangements and differentiation in a preschool classroom. Sections can be easily modified to fit your daily schedule. Other considerations related to total participation techniques, evidence-based practices, and positive behavior supports are also included within the template. Supplemental materials consist of a completed sample lesson plan and corresponding activity video....
Description: In response to feedback and collaboration with the field, as well as to legislation passed by the Virginia General Assembly, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has released the Video Guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process for Families as additional guidance to support accurate and consistent eligibility determinations and access to special education services across school divisions. These video modules will provide parents, families, and other stakeholders with a brief but...
Description: New Video: Introducing the Office of Special Education Program's Assistive Technology Guidance and the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (2:46 mins.) IDEA: Assistive Technology Devices and Services for Children With Disabilities Under the IDEA (Jan. 22, 2024) - The Office of Educational Technology and the Office of Special Education Programs are pleased to share the guidance in support of children with disabilities who need assistive technology (AT) devices and services for meaningful...
Description: Crosswalks cross-reference the functional skills assessed by various published instruments with the three child outcomes required by OSEP for Part C and Part B, Section 619 programs to assess the degree to which these instruments measure the required outcomes. Crosswalks were generated for instruments based on the frequency of informal requests from states.
Description: Local school divisions provide special education services for young children, ages two to five, who have developmental delays or disabilities. Depending on the learning needs of the child, these services may be provided in early childhood care and education (ECCE) settings such as Virginia Preschool Initiative, Head Start, Mixed Delivery, child care, and community-based preschool programs. When special education services are provided in ECCE settings, Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education...
Description: Local school divisions provide special education services for young children, ages two to five, who have developmental delays or disabilities. Depending on the learning needs of the child, these services may be provided in high-quality early childhood care and education (ECCE) settings such as Virginia Preschool Initiative, Head Start, Mixed Delivery, child care, and community-based preschool programs. When special education services are provided in ECCE settings, Itinerant Early Childhood...
Description: Guiding positive behavior is a learning process for young children as their brains are growing and developing the ability to regulate behavior, emotions and manage impulses. Creating safe, warm and supportive environments motivate children to learn and practice positive behaviors when adults are responsive and consistent. As a Specialist in Early Education with 6 years of experience as a CLASS coach, Michelle Galindo has supported many educators in classrooms with infants, toddlers and preschool...
Description: Children are supported to manage their behavior when they know what to expect, their needs are met, and they are valued for who they are. Adults can help by establishing consistent routines and clear expectations. When they are aware of children’s needs, adults can meet them where they are and provide support. Then children can develop the skills they need to be aware of and manage their behavior. When adults focus on the behaviors that help children to succeed, they are more likely to...
Description: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Updated Resource to Support the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs (11/2023) Recently, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Education (the Departments) announced the release of an updated joint-policy statement on supporting the inclusion of children with disabilities in early childhood programs. The HHS-ED Policy Statement on the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood...
Description: Smooth transitions from Early Intervention (Part C) to Early Childhood Special Education (Part B) are very important for children and families and require collaboration between sending and receiving programs. The VDOE updated the Transition from Early Intervention to Early Childhood Special Education Q&A Document (August 2023) with the most recent guidance for programs supporting transitioning students. 
Description: The Virginia Family’s Guide to Special Education is a revision of the former A Parent’s Guide to Special Education that was originally published in 2010. This new state guide was developed by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to help those involved in special education, whether as families, teachers or school administrators, advocates, or students. Meeting the needs of children with disabilities requires an understanding of rights and responsibilities which include the...
Description: Co-teaching teams and administrators are invited to observe model co-taught lessons and exemplary practices in action at demonstration sites across the Commonwealth. Regional TTAC representative contact information is provided to schedule an in-person or virtual visit to one of these exemplary demonstration sites. If you are interested in becoming a demonstration site, please contact: Dwana Cooper, Coordinator, Specially Designed Instruction, Virginia Department of Education,...
Description: Bus drivers and transportation staff work directly with students with autism and are responsible for their and others' safety during the routes. Drivers and assistants are the first faces students see in the morning and the last ones in the afternoon. They are critical liaisons between home and school and often have more interaction with parents than other school staff. Beyond simply driving, transportation staff are in charge of managing behavior, implementing accommodations, and collaborating...
Description: When children can fully access their learning environment, they participate and learn. Discover how disability services coordinators can help program staff think about ways to give children with disabilities or suspected delays access to a full range of learning experiences and activities. Explore how to support educators to recognize each child's level of participation. Learn how to set up the learning environment for full participation and when to modify activities and materials, including...
Description: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for increasing access to education environments and opportunities, including in infant and toddler settings. Learning environments, materials, and activities are planned ahead of time, with the aim of welcoming all learners. UDL supports all children, including infants and toddlers with disabilities, to help them engage more fully in learning. It doesn't take the place of individualized curriculum modifications necessary for particular...
Description: Effective Practice Guides: Social and Emotional Development (ECKLC) - Positive social and emotional development in the early years provides a critical foundation for lifelong development and learning. Social development refers to a child’s ability to create and sustain meaningful relationships with adults and other children. Emotional development is a child’s ability to express, recognize, and manage his or her emotions, as well as respond appropriately to others’ emotions....
Description: Video: Supporting Social and Emotional Learning for Children with Disabilities (ECLKC) - Developing social and emotional skills are important for all young children! Making and keeping friends, solving social problems, and paying attention to emotions are key skills for children to learn during their early years. After all, social and emotional development is the foundation for lifelong learning and development. Learning these critical skills is especially important for young children with...
Description: Curated in conjunction with Mary Anne Prater, the author or co-author of seven books and dozens of academic journal articles on teaching students with developmental difficulties as well as special and general education topics, this search tool contains information and synopses of children’s and young adult literature about or having to do with people with disabilities. This information includes the name of the author and illustrator, year of publication, publisher, appropriate grade...
Description: Engaging families of children with disabilities is essential to supporting children’s learning and development. It is rooted in foundational Head Start resources, including the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PFCE) Framework and Relationship-based Competencies to Support Family Engagement. Learning about the hopes and goals of families of children with disabilities is important. It is equally crucial to communicate to families in culturally and linguistically responsive and...
Description: This module offers a general overview of the concepts that principals should consider when creating inclusive schools (est. completion time: 2 hours).