Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP)

The Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP), authored by Dr. Elena Soukakou, is a structured observation rating scale designed to assess the quality of classroom practices that support the developmental needs of children 2½ - 5 years of age with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in inclusive early childhood settings.

  • Ratings indicate the extent to which staff adapt the classroom's environment, activities, and instructional support to encourage children's active participation.
  • The ICP observation process provides rich information and insights that programs may use to assess current inclusive practices, establish a baseline for measuring future progress in inclusive programming, guide program improvement efforts, and tailor professional learning.

The ICP has been cross walked to the CLASS tool. The ICP-CLASS Correlation Documents demonstrate how the ICP complements the Toddler and Pre-K CLASS by providing a more in-depth look at the strategies that support young children with disabilities in inclusive settings.

Virginia ICP Reliability Training

The ICP is to be implemented by a trained observer. To increase the number of reliable users of the ICP, Virginia has developed a process to train individuals to become reliable observers at no cost to early childhood programs. The ICP Virginia Reliable Observer will be a reliable and proficient user of the ICP and will be able to implement the ICP in classrooms in schools, child care, and family day homes.

ICP Virginia Reliable Observer training is provided by TTAC once a year to a cohort of interested school or program leaders. Applications for ICP Virginia Reliable Observer training opens each fall with training taking place in January through April.

For more information about this process, you may reach out to your local TTAC Representative or to Sandy Wilberger,

Practices for Inclusive Classrooms

Click on each item to learn more about that practice.